– Tourette Syndrome (TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder affecting up to 1% of the population.
– Tourette syndrome is a condition that affects the brain and nerves, causing people to make repeated movements and sounds, also known as motor and vocal tics, that they cannot control. The symptoms usually begin in childhood, can vary from mild to severe, and change over time.
– Boys are three to five times more likely to have TS than girls.
– Children 12 – 17 years of age are twice as likely to have TS as children 6 – 11 years of age.
– Tics tend to worsen when a person is under alot of stress and improve when more relaxed.
– Motor tics, such as blinking and twitching body parts often occur before any vocal tics.
– Contrary to what is portrayed in the media, 90% of people with Tourettes do not have Coprolalia. (SHOUTING OUT SWEAR WORDS!!!)
– Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – A developmental disorder involving difficulties with hyperactivity, attention and impulsivity. An associated disorder.
– Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – A developmental disorder with symptoms affecting social skills, verbal and non verbal communication and the need for routines and rituals. An associated disorder.
– Clonic Tic – Tics that involve brief jerking movements like eye blinking or shoulder shrugging.
– Complex motor tic – A tic that lasts longer in duration like jumping or bending over.
– Complex Vocal Tic – A tic that involves words and phrases.
– Co-morbid – Different conditions, diagnosed to the same person.
– Coprographia – A type of tic that involves writing obscene words.
– Coprolalia – A type of tic that involves saying socially unacceptable phrases and words.
– Copropraxia – A type of tic that involves making obscene gestures.
– Dopamine – A neurotransmitter found in the brain that controls movement.
– Dyscalculia – A developmental disorder that affects arithmetical calculations.
– Dysgraphia – A developmental disorder that affects hand writing.
– Dyslexia – A developmental disorder that affects skills involved in accurate and fluent reading and spelling.
– Dyspraxia – A developmental disorder that affects fine and gross motor skills. .
– Dystonic tic – Tics that involve holding an unusual pose, like stretching eyes open. (As above)
– Echolalia – Tics that involve the need to repeat other people’s words and phrases.
– Echopraxia – Tics that involve the need to imitate other people’s movements.
– Executive Function – A group of behaviours such as planning, organisation, working memory and motivation.
– Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) – A form of behaviour therapy that encourages you to face your tics and teaches you the tools to stop them coming out for short periods of time.
– Habit Reversal Therapy (HRT) – A form of behaviour therapy where you learn the skills to block your tics by implementing a different movement.
– Motor Tic (Complex & Simple) – Tics that involve some form of movement.
– Neuroleptic – A group of medicines, also known as antipsychotics.
– Neurological – The functioning of the brain.
– Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – A disorder involving reoccurring intrusive thoughts known as obsessions and the need to perform certain routines, known as compulsions.
– Palilalia – Tics that involve repetition of own words or gestures.
– Premonitory urge – A sensation that immediately preceded a tic.
– Serotonin – A neurotransmitter in the brain involved in mood, movement and anxiety.
– Simple motor tic – A motor tic that is sudden and brief, lasting less then a second like blinking.
– Simple Vocal tic – A vocal tic that is sudden and brief, lasting less then a second like a throat grunt.
– Tics – An involuntary, fast, reoccurring movement or vocalisation.
– Tonic tics – A tic that involves keeping muscles tensed.
– Tourette’s – A neurological condition that usually starts before 18 years old and involves both motor and vocal tics for more then a year.
– Involuntary – The term used that refers to an action that a person has limited / no control over.
-Vocal tics – Tics that involve some sort of sound, word or phrase.

Have a look on Tourettes Action UK if you fancy learning more!
Massive shout out to my grandma for raising an amazing amount of money for TAUK for her birthday. Your support is very much appreciated 🙂