ALPB Group rules
For An easy read copy please click here:
As an ‘A Little Poorly Brighton’ Member I agree to the following...
I understand ALPB is a safe space where any medical information, disability related conversations or personal difficulties stays confidential within the group unless safeguarding issues arise.
I will look after my own health before helping others.
I will not discuss topics of a triggering nature at in person meet ups. I understand ALPB is not a mental health support group and will check in with my own mental health regularly, if I feel I need professional mental health support I will see my GP or ask the admin team privately for self - help resources or links to mental health treatment and alternative therapies separate to ALPB.
I will not write about topics that could potentially be of a triggering nature in group spaces without the proper use of trigger or content warnings.
I will not share my medication or share details of other people’s medication with others, inside or outside of the group.
I respect that everyone has a difference of opinion, upbringing and background.
I understand ALPB does not tolerate hate crime or bullying directed towards ANY minority groups.
If I have a safeguarding concern for myself or another member, I will raise it with an admin member or the correct social service, NHS or the police.
I understand that only ALPB organised meet ups can be monitored safely, I will fill out a form prior to my first meet up.
I agree to no advertising of services such as MLM’s unless previously approved by the admin team.
If I wish to run a workshop or support the group I will discuss this with the committee to ensure safety of the group.